Q: When does the club operate?
A: Our club runs on weekends as long as Hidden Valley Ski Resort is open. This is usually mid-December to mid-March.
Q: What is included in membership?
A: Membership includes coaching and skier insurance. Skiers will receive a club vest to wear over their coat at the hill, and will be expected to return it at the end of the season.
Q: What is not included in membership?
A: On regular club days at Hidden Valley, skiers are expected to have their own ski equipment, lift pass, and lunch. Big mountain trips are optional, however if families chose to go they are responsible for transportation, lodging, food, and lift passes at other hills. When the club goes on big mountain trips (1-2 times per season), club does not run at Hidden Valley.
Q: How is my child's skiing evaluated, and how will I know if they are progressing?
A: Coaches evaluate skiers near the beginning and end of the season using a modified version of the Snow Stars program. Coaches use these evaluations to design lessons that are appropriate for skiers of different levels.
Q: Who will my child be skiing with? Will there be other kids their age?
A: Skiers in the club typically range between the ages of 5 and 16, with a good mix of genders, interests, and ability levels. Early in the season (usually over the holiday break) we host a 3 day 'ski camp' where kids can get to know each other as they participate in a range of ski drills. This also gives the coaches a chance to get to know the kids and put them into groups of similar ability and interest. Coaches take turns teaching each group so that the skiers are exposed to a variety of styles. Skiers with various interests (e.g. park vs alpine) also have opportunities to learn from each other.
Q: How is misbehaviour handled?
A: Parents are expected to be within reach when their kids are skiing in case of emergency, or in case their child is misbehaving. Coaches may ask a child to adjust their behaviour, however coaches are not responsible for any further discipline. Skiers who are detracting from group lessons due to misbehaviour will be asked to sit out under parental supervision until they are ready to rejoin the group at the coach's discretion. Skiers who regularly misbehave may be asked to leave at the Board's discretion.
Q: Does my child have to be able to ski to join the club?
A: We encourage skiers who are moving beyond a beginner level to join the club. Skiers who join the club should be able to ride the chair lift on their own, be able to do controlled turns on moderate terrain, and be able to stop. Skier ability will be assessed early in the season. Those who need some additional coaching to do the above well will be encouraged to take a few private lessons before they join the club.
Q: What is expected of me as a parent/guardian?
A: Parents are an integral part of making the club run. Think of what it takes to get your kids outside in snow suits, and then expand it to a big group of kids in ski gear spread over 60+ acres. Our Board is made up of parent volunteers, and there are lots of opportunities for all parents to get involved throughout the year with any of the following: putting up/taking down courses, helping out when skiers get cold, organizing fun events, handing out snacks, finding lost gloves, and the list goes on. Parents are also required to fulfill a bingo and casino commitment.
Q: Wait, I have to work bingos and casinos?
A: Yup. The reason we can keep our club fees so low is because we use bingos and casinos to subsidize the cost. Without this, our fees would easily be three times as high. The number of bingos required depends on the size of the club. Usually the requirement is 3 bingos per skier in the club, over the course of a year (not just the ski season). We get a casino every 18 months or so.
Q: What do I need to know about big mountain trips?
A: One to two times per year the club may go to another ski hill for training and/or race events. We have most often visited Castle, Fernie, Lake Louise, and Sunshine, but may go other places too. These trips give us a chance to teach skiers how to handle different terrain. These trips are optional, however families who chose to come along are responsible for their own arrangements and associated costs. Parents are encouraged to ski with the group and give the coaches a hand where possible. We will provide a list of planned trips as early as we can in the season. Logistical information will be provided in advance of each trip.